Wellness rituals to enhance life at home and away | Novotel

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Daily Wellness Rituals for a Healthy Mind and Body at Home and Away

Here are five self-care practices to enhance your overall well-being at home or while travelling.

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We all know the importance of a healthy mind and body, and it’s no secret that the two are inextricably linked. But sometimes we need a little encouragement to actually live by what we believe. In a busy, highly connected world, it’s easy to let the urgent take priority over the important. That’s where daily wellness rituals come into their own. Here’s the secret: simple, enjoyable rituals that enhance your personal and family’s well-being and are so much a part of your day that you can’t do without them.

1. Love your body: wellness rituals for physical form


A few gentle stretches on waking can ease nighttime stiffness and increase blood flow and flexibility. You don’t need any special equipment. Hug your knees to your chest for a nice back stretch before getting out of bed. A few ‘cat to cow’ movements, the ‘child pose’ and some slow head rotations and you’re set.


Now that your muscles are warm and you can feel the vitality flowing through your body, it’s a good time to get in ten minutes of cardio exercise. Why not choose five of your favourite moves and do each for two minutes? Jumping jacks, lunges, jogging on the spot, squats and push-ups for example.


Self-massage can relieve tension and reconnect your mind and body. Why not incorporate this into your daily shower ritual? Or better still, learn simple massage techniques with your partner and children.

Travel tip: Choose a hotel with a fitness room and/or spa and treat yourself to a professional massage.

2. Soothe your mind: wellness rituals for the soul


Practising one or more of the many forms of meditation can reduce stress and even improve immunity. Why not begin and end your day with some mindfulness meditation, intentionally focusing on your environment, bodily sensations, and the thoughts that cross your mind. Or reconnect your body and mind through movement meditation such as yoga, tai chi and qigong, or even simply walking or gardening.


Smell is perhaps the most evocative of the senses. Essential oils can have a powerful effect on the emotional centre of your brain. Try sandalwood or marjoram for a sweet night’s sleep and bergamot orange or chamomile for relaxation.

Travel tip: A hotel that's close to green spaces will allow you to incorporate wellness easily into your trip.

3. Care for your skin: wellness rituals for a healthy glow

Facial treatments

Rather than a strict routine, make cleansing, toning, moisturising and protecting your skin from the sun a soothing ritual for your skin’s well-being. Don't forget to choose a day cream with in-built sun protection, as your face is constantly exposed to the elements. Regular exfoliating and a purifying mask will release your inner glow.

Spa retreat

Not a daily ritual, but a habit to adopt on a regular basis on your own or as a couple or family. A wellness break in a hotel spa, even if just for a day, will do wonders for your skin, body and soul. Choose a spa that offers rejuvenating or detox treatments for maximum benefit.

4. Eat Well

Eat mindfully

Eating well is not only what you eat, but how you eat. Sitting down to relax and focus on the colours, flavours and textures of your food will give your body the full benefit of every mouthful of nutrients. It’s hard to beat local, seasonal produce, simply prepared.


Boost your health by frequently choosing superfoods, such as orange fruits and vegetables to prevent cancer and support eyesight. Grapefruit, chickpeas and blackberries are natural anti-inflammatories, while blueberries and broccoli contain precious antioxidants.

Travel tip: Maintaining a nutritious diet can be challenging when you’re away from home. Having your own healthy snacks on hand, such as seeds, nuts and fresh or dried fruit, is a good idea.

5. Sleep like a newborn

Your sleeping space

A restful environment is essential for a good night’s sleep. Turn off as many electrical appliances as possible to reduce noise and light pollution. The experts recommend 18°C as the ideal temperature for sleeping. Keeping your bedroom free of clutter, especially any objects associated with work, will help your mind to wind down. And of course, comfy bedding goes without saying.


A regular bedtime ritual beginning before you lay your head on the pillow will prepare your body and mind for sleep. Soft lighting, calming music and a warm bath or shower create a relaxing ambiance. After you blow out the candles and snuggle down under the quilt, visualising the details of your favourite place is much more conducive to sleep than counting sheep or going over tomorrow’s to-do list!

Travel tip: Reserve a hotel with a good reputation for comfortable bedding and ask for a quiet room (away from lifts and stairs or the street).


Whether you’re at home or away, you’re worth looking after! In a world where it’s all go, go, go, being intentional about self-care is essential to your well-being. As the Arabian proverb says, “He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything”.

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