Fun and Easy Yoga for Kids on Holiday or at Home | Novotel

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Fun Yoga for Kids and Parents to Relax and Reconnect as a Family

Looking for ways to help your children unwind and relax after a day of exploring new destinations? Try these fun and effective yoga poses suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

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Whether you’re on a family holiday discovering an exciting new city, experiencing exhilarating outdoor adventures or simply relaxing by the beach, it’s always good to set aside a few minutes each day for some calm and mindfulness. But what if your kids simply can’t sit still? You need an activity that both engages those restless bodies and focuses their wandering minds. And a great way to achieve this balance is with yoga for kids.


Don’t worry if you’re not very flexible or think you lack coordination. Anyone of any age can do really simple yoga because you only need these three elements: basic poses, good breathing and a focus on the present moment. Quite often, you’ll find that the combination of measured breathing and yoga poses will help calm your mind. 

Benefits of yoga for kids

That’s why yoga for kids is great when you’re on holiday – whether in the morning before a busy day of activities, or in the evening when everyone is overtired and a meltdown seems imminent, it brings you together as a family for a few moments of relaxation, playfulness and bonding. Incorporating yoga into your family holiday this way can enhance your child's well-being, and over time, you might even find that you’re all more active and flexible.


Because many yoga poses have very visual names (from Pigeon to Warrior and everything in between), it’s a fun way to foster creativity and imagination in kids. You can also build their confidence by helping them master different poses and teaching them positive affirmations.

Simple yoga poses for kids and parents

These basic yoga positions are a great starting point. The sequences are grouped by theme and arranged so that you can flow easily from one pose to the next, but feel free to mix and match as you and your kids find your own favourite routine. Remember to breathe deeply and hold each pose for at least three breaths, going up to six if you want to take it more slowly.

Mindfulness yoga with kids

  • Mountain pose: Stand with your feet hip width apart and your arms relaxed at your sides, palms facing outwards. Imagine there’s an invisible string attached to your head, lifting you straight and tall. If you’d like to say an affirmation, try “I am strong”.

  • Warrior pose: From mountain pose, step your left foot to the side, angling it out slightly, and bend your left knee. Raise both arms to shoulder height. Switch sides. Affirmation: “I am brave.”

  • Peaceful warrior pose: From warrior pose, if your left knee is bent, raise your left arm up over your head, so you can feel a stretch in your left side. Switch sides. Affirmation: “I am peaceful.”

  • Tree pose: From mountain pose, transfer your weight to your right leg. Position your left foot on your right inner thigh or shin. Place your hands, palms together, in front of your chest or raised above your head. Switch sides. Affirmation: “I am calm.”

  • Cobra pose: Lie on your front with your palms flat next to your shoulders. Push down into your palms so that your head and chest are off the ground. Remember to keep your shoulders down and open your chest. Affirmation: “I am confident.”

  • Child’s pose: Sit on your knees with your bottom on your heels. Lean forward and rest your forehead on the floor. Place your arms next to your legs, palms facing up. Affirmation: “I am proud of who I am.”

Fun animal poses

  • Jellyfish pose: From standing position, bend forward and place your hands on the ground. Try to keep your knees relaxed but not too bent. As you release the pose, gently wiggle your arms around like a jellyfish in the ocean.

  • Cat/Cow pose: Begin on all fours. Draw your chin toward your chest as you round your back like a cat. Then look up, arching your back and opening your chest. Repeat this sequence a few times. For added fun, purr or moo as you breathe out.

  • Downward dog: From all fours, lift your knees off the ground and straighten your legs as much as possible. Press into the floor with your hands for balance, making sure your shoulder blades are down your back rather than hunched up. Take deep breaths as you hold the position, and ask your child what sort of doggie tail they have.

Fun fact: Doga, or yoga with your pooch, was invented over 20 years ago. Goat yoga, where the goats roam around and sometimes climb on top of you, is also very popular!

  • Dragon pose: From downward dog pose, step one foot forward so it’s between your hands. Place your other knee on the ground, sliding it back as much as possible so that you feel a really good hip stretch. Keep your neck in line with your spine like a graceful dragon. Switch sides.

  • Butterfly pose: Sit on the floor with both knees pointing outward and the bottoms of your feet together. Gently move your knees up and down like the wings of a butterfly.

Calm-down yoga for kids

  • Warrior pose: This variation of the five Warrior poses starts with a Mountain pose. Step one foot back, angling it slightly. Bend your front knee and lift your arms straight up towards the sky. Look upwards as you take deep, slow breaths. Switch sides.

  • Triangle pose: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms to the side, level with your shoulders. Bend sideways at the waist and try to touch your ankle, while the other arm reaches towards the sky. Switch sides.

  • Chair pose: With your feet hip width apart, bend your knees and stick your bottom out like you’re sitting down. Raise your arms above your head and hold.

  • Boat pose: From a seated position with your legs straight, raise your legs and balance on your bottom so your body is in a V-shape. Keep your arms straight out in front of you on either side of your legs. Rock gently like a boat.

  • Resting pose: Finish your family yoga session by lying on your backs, palms facing up, with your arms and feet completely relaxed and floppy.   

Tips for success

  • Create a calm environment. Put all screens away and find a quiet area. Many Novotel hotels have family-friendly amenities and spaces where you can practice yoga by yourself or with other guests.

  • Make it a regular family activity. Set aside five minutes for yoga every day, ideally as part of your routine (e.g. after breakfast or before bedtime stories).

Yoga for kids is an enjoyable way to weave fitness and fun into your family holiday, encouraging children – and parents! – to stay active and healthy. Best of all, the only thing you need is comfy clothing, so your family can enjoy this activity together no matter where you travel.

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